Saturday, May 15, 2010

Warning... I'm spilling my guts.

I now am officially employed at two places. I work at the Icehouse and at Metrop Cafe. At the Icehouse I spent most of my time taking customers orders/running food/cleaning. At Metrop Cafe I spend my time doing dishes, cleaning, and some more cleaning. However, they have promised me within a month I will be helping wait/serve during lunch rush and learn how to cook! They actually cook more than just burgers there... I'm talking fancy stuff I would learn how to make and make me look awesome on a resume. I'm pretty excited (if it happens...)!

I have, for a good couple of years, had this dream of wanting to own my own little dive of a restaurant. You know the show Diners, Drive-ins and Dives? I have an obsession with it and for years I have wanted to be a person who owns a quaint little shop that EVERYONE in town raves about. Not a big chain that "sells out" but a place that truly cares about it's customers. That's what I love about hospitality and one of the reasons I've chosen this life path. I can't sit in front of a computer all day or be on a phone... I want to talk to people and make them happy. I love working in cafe's. So, long story short, maybe I'm on to something and this little venture where I'm learning to cook (and I'm considered the head kitchen manager there...), could lead to something big. But, really, I still have no life plan. So, don't get your hopes up.

Conversation with Arron the other day:

Me: I'd like to think we'll still keep in touch after we leave Australia.
Arron: Yea, I'd be curious to know what you end up doing.
Me: haha yea, me too.

But, seriously, I do think I'm going to spend the next four to five months working, then will move to California with the savings I've accumulated. Maybe not necessarily stay in California long, but I only have a plane booked from Sydney to LA, and I don't plan on changing it. It will be nice to be a stranger... a backpacker... in my own country. Move around a bit and find a few odd jobs until I figure out what I want out of life. Well, that sounds misleading, because right now this is all I want.


Last night, Hilary, Scott, Mark and I went out on the town. Like I had mentioned previously, Melbourne likes to hide the best things in creepy alley ways, so I met them at "the alley way with the dumpsters at the corner of Swanston and Lonsdale." There Hilary was standing at a dead end, next to trash cans and probably a rat infestation. We went up some rickety steps to a bar space that fit maybe 50 people. It was filled with hipsters, but we had a great time. My way of blending in with the locals... while hanging out with an American and two Canadians! :P

What's funny, is I have met/hung out with more Canadians in Australia than I ever did back home. I had to go 9,000 miles away from North America just to make Canadian friends. There is something really ironic about that.


On a completely unrelated note, my friends back at Drake are graduating in the next week. Weird that it was only a year ago I was in that same position. I wish them all the luck with whatever their future holds. I know even a few of them have jobs/school secured, so congrats! :)

I remember last year that I was so depressed that I couldn't wait to be done with Drake because I thought it would solve all my problems. I thought getting away from the school that I had grown so attached to would cheer me up, but really, moving home killed me even more. I didn't have friends back home and I worked a shit job for shit pay (minimum wage for an Assistant Manager job??). It's hard to be happy when you have a $120,000 degree and you're making less than $500 every two weeks.

I hated myself for letting me be in the situation I was in. I hated Kipp for letting me get away. I hated my parent's for not caring enough. I hated my friends for all their successes. I hated anyone and everyone. I was so depressed and angry, but I never showed it. I kept it in and cried a lot.

One thing I have learned over the last year is you can't hold that anger in. Maybe don't lash out at the first thing you see, but talk it out.

When something pisses me off, I try to calm down and talk it out later. Whether it be just ranting to a friend or writing in a public blog. I let my feelings be known some how, because for so long I wanted everyone to think I was perfect and was more than just getting by. However, I'm now okay to let the world know I've sometimes been scraping at life with my fingernails, desperate to grab onto something... anything.

I'm no longer depressed, but if I was, I'd be more willing to go talk to someone about it now. Or, maybe just run away to another country again. haha

But, all that rambling really just makes me want to say to anyone and everyone graduating University that life sucks a lot sometimes, but keep your head up. Relish in the moments that make you laugh and forget about the people that make you cry. Whether you find your dream job right away or you aren't quite sure where you're going, it doesn't matter... no one life is better than the next. As long as you try towards something, you're doing just fine. And, never, ever choose a life plan to make someone else happy. You only life once, so live it the way YOU want.

*sigh* I ramble a lot.

But, hey... it's my blog, I can. :P

Plus, my life is fairly monotonous at the moment that there isn't a lot to write. Although, it's pretty funny that Commonwealth bank has now lost my card 2 weeks in a row now. TWO! I'm not sure how that's possible.

But, it's probably just because Aussie's are lazy. It's true.



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