Sunday, July 4, 2010

"Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend."

My adventure in Australia is starting to come to an end.  That means I have less than 4 months left (my visa expires Nov 2nd).  I think about the things I've done and the people I've met, and I can't believe how far I've come.  When I came to Australia, I was a mess.  As I've mentioned before, I was still emotionally involved with Kipp and had to hop countries just to try and get some solace.  
I made some of my best friends within the first few weeks in Australia.  Lizzo, Annie, Sarah, Will, Arron and Hilary.   We've lived and worked together in Sydney.  We've travelled together.  We've partied.  We've fought.  We've also parted ways.  Arron and Hilary are the only ones still around, here in Melbourne with me.  

Had I been back home, most of us probably wouldn't have been friends, but our circumstances brought us closer than I've been to a lot of friends in my life.  I hope that I can stay friends with them for a really long time, even though we are now dispersed around the world.  Just like I try and stay friends with the people I miss back home (EP, Sara, Amy... etc).

Back in Sydney, I would say Lizzo was my best friend.  We lived together, worked together, and partied together.  It was pretty sad when she left, but I know we'll meet up again someday.  Now that I'm in Melbourne, I would say Arron is my best friend.  We've been close for 8 months now... and we even work at the Icehouse together.  

We've fought, been incredibly annoyed with each other, but we've also shared some of the best experiences together.  We did jump out of a plane together on my 23rd birthday.  He also was the person who helped me get over Kipp; made me realise I deserve better and that there are plenty of other people out there for me.  He's awkward and funny... makes me laugh through any situation.  We're total opposites, but for some reason we get along really well.

Can't believe it's been 8 months (and 2 days!).  That is twice as long as the time I spent in Austria.  The closer I get to leaving, I get sad, but I am excited at the same time.  I am a person who likes change and hates to settle.  I've realised this about my personality and am trying to accept it.  My whole life I've had problems keeping in touch with people and expressing my feelings to anyone.  

I've taken huge steps here on that, thanks to the amazing people I've met and the experiences I've had.

Thanks everyone!

And, thanks Arron... I will miss you and never forget you as my friend who gets red after 1 drink and wasted after 3.  :P



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