Sunday, November 14, 2010
"The old me is dead and gone, but the new me will be all right."
Not on some gangsta shit man on some real shit
Anybody who been through the same thing
I'm sure you feel the same way
Oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and
Ever had one of them days wish you would have stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who gettin' their hate on
You walk by, they get wrong, you reply then shit get blown
Way out of proportion way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush them
Figure you get jumped here that's next
They don't wanna stop there now they bustin'
Now you gushin', ambulance rushin'
You to the hospital with a bad concussion
Plus you hit four times but it hit yo spine
Paralyzed waist down and ya wheelchair bound
Never mind that now you lucky to be alive
Just thinkin' it all started fussin' wit three guys
Nigga pride in the way but your pride is the way you can fuck
Around get shot down any day
Niggas die everyday, all little bullshit
Dope money, dice games, ordinary hood shit
Could this be cuz of hip-hop music
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it?
Usually niggas don't know what to do when they back against the wall
So they just start shootin'
For red or for blue or for blow I guess
From Bankhead at the old projects
No more stress, now I'm straight
Now I get it, now I take time to think
Before I make mistakes just for my family stake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say the old me dead and gone away
Oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and
I ain't neva been scared, I live through tragic
Situations could been dead lookin' back at it
Most of that shit didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin'
In the apartments hangin', smokin' and rappin'
Niggas start shit next thing we know we cappin'
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now I think about that what a life I had
Most of that shit look back just laugh
Some shit still look back get sad
Thinkin' my home boy still be around
Had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time
I won that fight I lost that war
I could still see my nigga walkin' out that door
Who would of thought I'd never see Philant no more
Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cuz a nigga his jump cost me more
I'd a took that ass whoopin' out for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripes
A nigga put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk shit all night
Cuz I hit you and you sue me
I shoot you get locked up poor me
No more stress now I'm straight
Now I get it now I take time to think
Before I make mistake just for my family stake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say the old me dead and gone away
Oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
I turn my head to the east, I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the north, swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me's dead and gone but the new me will be alright
I turn my head to the east, I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the north, swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me's dead and gone but the new me will be alright, 'cause
Oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone
And oh hey, I've been travelin' on this road too long
Just tryin' to find my way back home
But the old me's dead and gone
Dead and gone, dead and gone
It's been real.
It's been fun.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Home... Home (on the range)...
I got back Monday, started work Wednesday, and am here on a cold Thursday night waiting for The Big Bang Theory to come on at 7 and my chili to be done cooking on the stove! What a great life.
Halloween was amazing, being back in Des Moines! I dressed up as a ballerina the first night and a bunny/cat the second night. Thursday night we went to Westend, the old college bar we used to go to, and had a few drinks and flirted with the really cute (young) bartender. It was great to see old friends and see the town I spent four years of my life!
Some exciting things to come in my life...
“If I had my life to live over again, I’d try to make more mistakes next time.
I would relax, I would limber up, I would be sillier than I have been this trip.
I know of very few things I would take seriously.
I would take more trips. I would be crazier.
I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers, and watch more sunsets.
I would do more walking and looking.
I would eat more ice cream and less beans.
I would have more actual troubles, and fewer imaginary ones.”
-written by a Friar in a Nebraska monastery
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Everything I ever wished I could've said. "This is my plea... won't you listen?"
don't expect me to agree
you don't need to drive the point home
so don't baby don't
you don't have to lie to me again
you don't have to try and be my friend
you don't have to tell me that you're better off alone" -Umbrella, Degrassi
"Well maybe it’s me
And my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it’s you and your sick need
To give love and take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back in regret how I ignored when they said
'Run as fast as you can’" -Dear John, Taylor Swift
"Listen when I say, this can't be
Hear my words, set me free."
Friday, October 29, 2010
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
Things have changed, and I have driven past some of the spots that used to hold such ugly memories from me, and I couldn't think one bad thought. I actually could appreciate them again. The happiness that I thought was perhaps only based on where I was physically; but, alas, it is truly mental. I'm happy... even right next to a campus that, for so long, I thought offered me nothing except heartbreak. I see Drake for what it was... a challenge that I had to overcome. It offered me some amazing friends and amazing lessons. I can look back now and see the fun I had... the crazy moments and the times I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. The late nights and random moments. The close friends and the passerby... every little moment that was so good is still there in my mind, just for so long I couldn't see them because I focused on all the bad. And, the bad was such a tiny moment of my whole Drake career. I can see now that Drake was amazing.
I wouldn't change it for the world.
As I was driving around today I heard this song a few times... September by Daughtry. Beautiful.
How the time passed away? All the trouble that we gave
And all those days we spent out by the lake
Has it all gone to waste? All the promises we made
One by one they vanish just the same
Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain
In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
Now it all seems so clear, there's nothing left to fear
So we made our way by finding what was real
Now the days are so long that summer's moving on
We reach for something that's already gone
Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain
In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
We knew we had to leave this town
But we never knew when and we never knew how
We would end up here the way we are
Yeah we knew we had to leave this town
But we never knew when and we never knew how
Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain
In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
Remember, the bad in your life does not define you... it is how you handle it that makes you who you are. I'm still learning to this day... learning and growing. I still have issues in my life, whether it be personally or external... but, I like to think that I'm learning how to take things in stride, listen to other people before making judgements, and remember to always forgive.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Nu Yawk Citay.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
"Life is short, so be young and stupid."
The colors in the trees and the crunchy leaves on the ground. I like when the air starts to get a little cold and crisp, but the sky is still clear, and sunny.
So, on that subject... an American tradition is high school senior pictures, which I had done in fall. It's been 6 years since I had these taken.
These photos are meant to be a send off from high school and a hello to college. In high school I was a shy girl who just hoped to get out from her hometown; she hoped there was a bigger world. Since this photo was taken I've moved to Iowa, Tennessee and Australia... I've dated and made friends, had broken hearts and lost friends. I've felt like I didn't belong and felt on top of the world. I've cried hard and I've laughed harder.
Six years of life have happened. Do you ever stop to take that in? Take in the weight of that?
Today, I walked home from work on a back pathway, admiring the beautiful orange, brown, golden trees... jumping on all the leaves on the ground, marveling at their crunch. I finished one week of work, being a master office receptionist.
Now, I get to spend the weekend hanging out then going to New York on Tuesday to see Panda and Rhino (aka Arron and Brooke).
Get out and enjoy the weather before it turns brutal!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"I remember the day a kind, simple hello changed my life forever."
Amazing movie. Amazing story. So relate-able.
Tom runs into Summer, now that she is married, and wants to know how she could never commit to being his boyfriend but is now someone's wife...
Tom: Knew what?
Summer: What I was never sure of with you.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
"When someone sees the same people everyday, they wind up becoming a part of that person’s life. And then they want the person to change. If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."
The AlchemistSunday, October 3, 2010
Well, here goes nothing.
I am embarrassed to be an American right now. Maybe this is because I've been so sheltered from everything that's been going on and I'm being thrown into the fire, so to speak... everything is bombarding me at once, but I don't think that's fully the case.
I have spent many years of my life defending my country. Sure, I'll make jokes at America's expense, but I do love my country. I am and will always be an American. But, I have never EVER hated my country as much as I do right now.
It's because of politics. Religion. Hatred. To me, they've all become one.
I read that there was a pastor in Florida that was planning a Quran burning because people were having issues with a Mosque being built by the World Trade Center. No, he didn't go through with it, but the fact that anyone would even suggest this OR support it, disgusts me. Who cares if a Mosque is in the vicinity of the World Trade Center? There are Mosques all over this nation. Islam is not the Taliban. Islam is a religion based on peace, the Taliban is a "right wing, conservative" version of this religion. Just like skin heads here in America.
I am absolutely furious that people think this is okay. I'm not a Christian, but I do not hate on those who are. I am not a religious person... never have been and probably never will be. But, if you want to believe in God and practice religion, ANY RELIGION, I say "more power to you." God is a powerful concept, and for some people, I believe a very important individual. Religion helps give people faith that this life is not all there is... that there is more to life and death. That heaven exists.
But, what I find so perplexing is, if all religious people are preaching and believing in almost the exact same thing (just through different ways and Gods), then why is there so much hate. What God would say hate is okay, especially to another religious person. I don't know a lot about religion, but I'm pretty sure it teaches something about tolerance. About love.
Oh wait, I think that means tolerance and love ONLY if you believe in exactly what I believe in. How dare we try and understand each other.
Also, burning the Quran accomplishes nothing except only spreading more anger and hate. Apparently he was quoted to say something about this proving that all Muslims are terrorists because they will be so mad they will retaliate. How ignorant and mean a statement. First off, HE is the one starting the fight, so who wouldn't retaliate? But, second, it does not prove they are terrorists. That's an outlandish and foolish statement. It's ignorant.
On a completely different tangent, I'm sick of watching the Democrats fight against the Republicans, and vice versa. I used to like politics. Got excited to vote for my first presidency. But, I'm starting to realize it's all pointless. I will most likely not be voting this November. I do not see one side/one candidate that I want to represent me. Every politician is only out for personal gain. They do not care that America is drowning under it's own weight... just as long as they make it, everything will be just fine.
I used to question the idea of socialized health care. That people would use it as a free ride. However, the older I get, I realize how ignorant of a thought that was. I didn't know that people actually get turned down from health insurance they will fully pay for because they are a health risk. Yea, that means if you are a sick individual and NEED health insurance, you have a lower chance of getting it. You are forced to wade through hundreds of thousands of medical bills. People die with so much debt and it's passed on to their families. "Sorry that your father died before his insurance could be processed, but here are his bills."
In other countries no one is denied healthcare. Sure, you may have to wait on a procedure if it's not an emergency, but if it is an emergency, you are bumped up and receive exceptional care. The same health care we receive here in America. Our politicians media have made us believe that Canadians/British/Australians are DYING in waiting rooms because of free health care. Sure, sometimes people do die in waiting rooms overseas.
But, guess what, they die in our waiting rooms everyday, too. And, those people were paying good money.
Personally, I'd rather die for free, then die having paid a copay and a $500 a month insurance premium. We both end up in the same ground.
I do believe everyone should work hard. No one should be given a free ride. But, giving free basic healthcare is not giving people a free ride. I believe it should be the Government's responsibility.
I believe the Government should provide good, quality FREE education as well. Man, am I a radical or what.
Look, people say all these "socialist" ideas will raise our taxes, and they're unwilling to pay. But, last time I looked at an American pay check, or looked at a receipt from the grocery store, I AM being taxed. A lot. And, honestly, I'm not seeing a whole lot come from it.
I am up to my eyeballs in student loans and do not have health insurance (since I am unemployed and not a student).
People from other countries go to school for free or really cheap and receive the same, if not better education. We go to school less days then the rest of the world, are in class less hours, and some how we pay so much more. How is that logical?
The thing that I'm getting at is, America is falling. We've been falling for awhile, and I believe it's going to be awhile before we are on top again. We are no longer the country that everyone looks to. We are not the strongest economically. Other countries are surpassing us. And, I believe it's only going to get worse.
It's not Obama's fault. It's not Bush's fault. It's EVERYONE'S fault. If only we could stop pointing fingers and actually come together to fix our nation... as Americans.
Friday, October 1, 2010
"I like it when you see a person as a shell and you can't understand the million stories they have inside them."
I boared the V Australia flight from Sydney to LA at 8pm on Monday the 20th. Arron had accompanied me to the airport, as he had to fly back to Melbourne later that evening. I put off going through security/customs as long as I could, until it was actually time to board. I didn't want to say goodbye. I was sitting at the airport, next to Arron, when I wrote that last blog. I had read his blog post he'd written about me, and I was speechless when it came to responding. How do you say goodbye to a person you've grown so close to in 10 months time?
Sure, we'll probably see each other again, but when you meet friends abroad it's like the friendship has an expiration date. At a certain date in the near future you have to part ways, not exactly knowing when the next meet up point will be. That's a hard idea to grasp. Sure, there is facebook and MSN, but nothing ever compares to being able to call up your bestfriend and share a random story, send a ridiculous text, or just meet up for a random tuesday in the city.
We travelled Australia together, lived and worked together... shared the highest and lowest of times. Some of my favourite moments together include walking along Bondi or Coogee beaches and eating ice cream. or, just sitting on cliffs over looking the waves. We skydived together on my birthday, trying our best to grab life by the balls. I remember the moment he saved me when I came to Melbourne, broke and lost. He taught me how to ice skate and gave me a new appreciation for hockey. He calls me out on my crap, doesn't let me get away with much, and laughs at my jokes (well, most of them).
He's been everything from my best friend to my boyfriend. So, I hugged him as long as I could and tried not to cry. Proud to say I only got a little teary. FInally, I had to go. I turned around and walked towards customs. Towards home.
I arrived in Los Angeles about 13 hours later at 5pm on September 20th. It's weird, cause when you travel to Australia you lose one whole day of your life. I will never get November 1st, 2009, back. But, coming back, you only gain 3 hours. Seems unfair.
Anyways, I met my friend Lizzo, who if you remember is the girl I met in Sydney and lived with. She now lives in LA, trying to make it in the industry.
I've never had a good impression of LA, but I figured I'd give it a chance. Over the week I've seen Hollywood and the walk of stars, The Grove and famous Farmers Market, Torrance/Redondo beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Venice Beach and boardwalk, and experienced record breaking 113 degree heat (45 celcius)!
I've gone through moment of hating America.
Although, I will say, I only got honked/whistled at twice my entire time in Australia... I was in LA a week and I was already up in the double digits. Ahh... welcome home.
I flew back to Nashville on Tuesday and surprised my parents at home, since they didn't think I was coming home until the beginning of November.
It's weird being back. Being in the same place where my life was such a hell last year. I'm sitting in the same room where I had so many breakdowns exactly a year ago. One of the first things I did when I got back was reread some of the poems/songs/stories I had saved on a harddrive. They are both painful and liberating to read. It's painful to know I was in that place, not realizing that I was so close to escaping it... but, it's liberating because I can sit here now and know what happy feels like.
Arron keeps asking me what it is like to be back, and he's not sure how it will be for him. It's not something I can't say or write down (having trouble at the moment, as I type). I watch the news and just shake my head at my country. I laugh at the people at restaurant and grocery stores. I find the southern accent so amusing (and I seem to notice it A LOT more now).
I'm home. I feel like I'm at home... I never, ever thought it would.
And, part of it feels like I never left. But, the memories I have and the amazing people that I miss, remind me I did. I miss everyone, a lot.
And, this blog has turned out A LOT cheesier than I intended.
But, this is the end to my Australian blog. I believe I will update this from time to time, as a personal blog, but I am officially ending my Australian Adventure.
I may still have no idea what I'm doing with my life. Not sure what I want to do. I'm single and I am completely free to do WHATEVER I want.
How liberating is that.
Until next time,
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not where you've been
You're still an innocent
Monday, September 20, 2010
"And I'll wave goodbye, watching you shine bright. I'll wave goodbye tonight."
It's been 10 months and 3 weeks since I've stepped foot in America.
Gonna be strange... strange as.
I have so many things I want to say, but not enough time to say them. Really, I don't have enough time to try and put them into words... just a big jumble in my mind.
I'm gonna miss all the amazing people that I've met...
Most of all, I'm gonna miss Arron. I'm leaving him behind in OZ. He leaves in 2 weeks to go back to Canada. I know I'll see him again, someday... but, to not see him all the time and have him just a text away is weird.
I'm gonna miss you Panda Bear.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sweet As.
Well, really I'm not so far off... hello from New Zealand... what seems like the edge of the world. I had heard how amazing New Zealand was, but you can only believe so much of what you hear... but, I can now say with certainty... New Zealand is magical.
But, first...
I ended my 4 month stint in Melbourne by having a few drinks with some of my close friends before heading off to Sydney and the East Coast. Arron wrote a blog post about this, saying he was now dreading his departure because he had been there for mine. He said I seemed distant and sad... I remember getting home that night at about 2am (having to leave for the airport at 3:30am!) and just thinking "this may be the last time I ever am here." How big is that? It could be the last time I ever see these people. Eat this food. Sit on this seat. etc...
I flew out of Melbourne at 6 that morning, arriving in Sydney bright and early to go meet my high school friend Lea, who had just flown in from America. We spent one day there, where I showed her the sights, and then we flew up to Cairns, which is the most north I ever made it to in Australia. The weather was muggy and cloudy, the beach was non existent (low tides and lots of mud), but we still had a good time. We met a very sleepy Arron, who had done what I had done the night before and not had any sleep. We rented a car a few days later and drove up north to the Daintree Rainforest (check "see a rainforest" off my list) and to Cape Tribulation. We didn't see any crocodiles, which they are famous for, but we did see lots of exotic birds and plants. A very gorgeous area and some of the most amazing beaches.
We then took an overnight bus down to Airlie Beach, which is home to the Whitsunday Islands. We were to take a 2 day/2 night sailing cruise to these islands (check "go sailing" off the list). I saw a beautiful sunset... dropped my camera in the ocean...saw whales and dolphins and sea turtles and sting rays wild in the ocean... sat/swam on Whitehaven beach, which is THE best beach I have ever been to. White sand and crystal clear blue waters. I also went snorekling on the great barrier reef (check "see great barrier reef" off list).
We ended the trip by spending one last night in Sydney... where, the next morning, I flew out to beautiful New Zealand. For about 5 years I have wanted to come here. Granted, it's only a 6 day stint, but it's enough to make me want to come back again and again. If you know me well, you know I have this "thing" for kiwis/kiwi culture... so, new life plan is to marry a New Zealander... yup, you heard me.
Anyways, I spent my first night in Christchurch, which was a vicitim to a 7.7 magnitude earthquake about a week and a half ago. They have experienced about 350 aftershocks since then, and I was peacefully eating my dinner on the night of the 12th, when my table and chair begain to shake. It only lasted about 4 seconds, but it was enough. It was about a 4.5 magnitude. Apparently there were 4 more overnight, which I slept straight through.
The next morning I made my way to Greymouth, NZ (west coast) and we drove through some of the most amazing scenery I have ever seen! Then down to Franz Josef (Glacier). I climbed the glacier the next day. I hiked up in my crampons and waterproof gear (it was pissing rain/hail!) and made my way through ice caves. Amazing! Although, I couldn't feel most of my extremities.
The next day I made my way down to Queenstown, where I am now. I hope to go to Milford Sound tomorrow, but apparently the road is closed due to fallen snow, and I will find out tomorrow morning if it is open. This is a ski town, for sure. It's nestled in between some of the most beautiful mountains! I leave for Christchurch on the 18th, then Sydney on the 19th... then to LA on the 20th. I am so near the end I don't even know what to think.
I'm excited for the next chaper of my life. So much has happened, but I believe so much more can happen in the future. I will write again soon.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Forever doesn't exist.
We went out to Mikey's show last night, and it was the last time I will see him (either ever or in a long while). I have tried not to think about it. I can't think about saying goodbye to people, it's too hard.
On a side note, Mikey plays keys/vox for King Cannons. Check em out. They were just signed to EMI. :)
Anyways, I'm out for one last night in Melbourne
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"I feel that when I'm old, I'll look at you and know, the world was beautiful."
Here I am, sitting at Arron's place, living up my last few days in Melbourne. I leave this Saturday to meet an old friend from high school up in Sydney. I have 18 more days in Australia.
A week and a half ago I went to Tassie (pronounced Tazzie) with my English friend Rob. We went and spent a few days in Hobart, which is a sleepy sea-side town. Ironically, it's the capital of Tasmania, but felt more like a small town. There was no "city bustle." I then arrived back in Melbourne at about 9:45 pm on Monday night, slept in the airport, just so I could fly out the next morning to Alice Springs with Arron and Jess. Yes, you read that right, I slept in an airport. I use the world "sleep" pretty loosely too. Mostly, I stared at walls and walked aimlessly around.
Alice Springs is located in the Northern Territory, which is the center of the Outback. This is the "true Australia" out there. We did a three day/two night camping tour of the Outback. We saw The Olgas, Ayers Rock, and Kings Canyon. I saw true aboriginals, walked through Red Dirt, ate a kangaroo (or two), slept outside under the stars (saw the milky way AND the southern cross!), hid my shoes from dingos, and made damper (an aboriginal delicacy cooked over the fire). It was so different than anything I have ever done before, but I loved it. Most of the people in our group were from Korea (South, not North), and it was hilarious listening to them introduce themselves. We all had to go to the front of the bus and say something about ourselves and sing a song. They all mostly sounded like: "Hi, I am [insert common Korean name here], but you can call me Anne. No speak Engrish well, but here is my song. [insert common Korean song where rest of bus joins in by singing and clapping.]"
I got up and sang a little bit of Loretta Lynn's "Ain't Woman Enough." The funny thing is, years ago I wouldn't have done it. I would have been too terrified to make a fool out of myself. It made me put into prospective the person I am today. I take risks that, years ago, would've made me rather dive off a bridge. On our way back to Alice Springs we had to sing another song, so I sang the chorus to "Achy Breaky Heart." Like I had said before, I have become more country by getting out of America. Save me!
Ever since coming back, I've just been hanging out, enjoying my last week. Sunday there was a celebration at Harbour Town Hotel for Melbourne Ice winning their final game, so I hung out with people from work and the Melbourne Ice team. Still find it weird that I moved 15,000 km from home just to hang out with a bunch of hockey enthusiasts? I do. Although, according to Arron, people here know shit about hockey. Forgive him, he's Canadian. It's all they're good at. :P
Anyways, lots of other developments have been happening outside of my Aussie world. For one, I'm pretty sure my family has been stalking me on facebook. I kid, I kid, but seriously, you all are coming out of the woodwork. My step mom and dad added me on facebook... it's like my past is slowing creeping up to me, forcing me to embrace it. Long lost cousins and aunts as well (these are okay... step mom and dad are taking a bit of getting used to). But, I found out that my Uncle Jeffry died a few days ago. He was 39 years old. 39. That's so young, and he had a heart attack. Really, it just makes me want to live my life to the fullest even more. Take more chances, because you never know when it will be your last.
On top of all that, Kipp sent me a friend request on facebook. Okay, I get it, it's just facebook. What harm would come out of us being facebook friends? But, that's the point, facebook makes it so easy for us to get information on anyone's lives without having to really be connected to them. Can't I just make a clean break? Years ago, if you wanted to rekindle something with someone or just catch up, you called them. You sent an email. You sent a letter. You didn't just send a passive friend request, just so you could read their status updates and stalk their pictures just so you could feel more connected to them. Facebook disconnects us from each other. But, that's besides the point.
I sent him a message a few days later asking "why?" Also, telling him that I can't. I have no ill will towards him and only wish him the best, but I cannot be his friend. He responded saying that he reads my blog, just wants to be friends, and wishes me the best. "Reads my blog??" Holy shit. I mean, I know people read this sometimes, but anytime someone actually says they do I go back and read a bunch of posts just to get an idea what someone else might see when they stumble upon this. I know what Kipp reads. I remember the parts where I talked about him... the things I've revealed. Do I really want to be friends with an ex when they know so much about me? They know how fragile they left me? It's taken me 8 months of not talking to Kipp to get to the point where not responding to his message is okay. I don't think about him every day. I ignored the friend request, and it didn't really bother me. Being his friend would bother me more than not being his friend. I've grown too much to regress back to that. Maybe we can be friends someday, but not today. Not anytime soon.
Thank you for reading that ramble... I hope I have updated you on my life. I can't believe I went half a month without posting!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
"This old world really ain't that bad of a place."
This coming weekend I'm going to Tasmania... honestly, up until last November, I didn't actually know people lived there. Then, to the Outback, back to Sydney, up the coast to Cairns and Whitsundays (Great Barrier Reef!!), to New Zealand... and then America.
I'm preparing myself again for hot, sweaty hostels with 10 people in a room. Bugs. Living out of a bag. Pasta and more pasta... and some more pasta... for every meal, every day. And, everything else that comes with being a traveler. I've grown comfortable... so, here's to breaking out of that comfort zone, one more time!
And, what's funny, is that my friends always laugh at me because everyday I'm always like "I have my life plan!"... and then 2 days later, I have another one. Sure, it may look like irresponsibility, or whatever you want to call it, but I like to think I'm keeping my options. I'm not limiting myself to one thing... I can be A LOT of things. I can see A LOT of things. I want to be unstoppable... just WHICH life plan do I start with???
(Listen to "Unstoppable" by Rascal Flatts)
p.s. ...somehow I became more southern, just by leaving America. God Bless Country!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
"Isn't it ironic?"
Don't worry, I excepted this years ago, so my tolerance for embarrassment is pretty high. I dare you... try to embarrass me!
I mean, my first day of moving in to St. Kilda a crazy lady chased me down the street. If that's not a good example, I don't know what is.
Last weekend was filled with hanging out with good friends, as I might not see them again for a long time (or ever!). Monday night, Rob, Arron, Jake, Tobias and I all went and played curling at the Icehouse. Yes, you heard me right... Curling! It's actually pretty fun, but I still don't get how it's an olympic sport... olympic game, maybe. Afterwards, we were going to the movies to see The Killers (not recommended, at all) with Shelley. While waiting for the tram stop, Tobias is playing with his hockey stick that he needed to take home and is hitting around a paper coffee cup. He decides to slap shot it and it hits me straight under my eye. Of all the places it could have gone, it hits me! Man, he has a powerful slap shot... I got coffee in my eye and a nice tender spot on my face. I tried to play it cool... but, man, I did not look cool in front of Rob. And, that's of course what is important. :P
Second, I went and saw my first footy (AFL, Aussie Rules Football) game at the MCG. This game is a mixture of Rugby, Soccer, American Football, Volleyball and pretty much any other sport thrown in for good measure. Jess, Keith, Arron and I all went... enjoyed typical sporting event foods, like meat pies and tomato sauce, calamari and chips, a chicken schnitzel sandwich, and a bowl of fruit. Jess and I were making note of how many birds were flying around the stadium and sitting on the field, while the players were in action. Not long after the conversation, I felt a warm "plop" on my head. I knew instantly a bird and targeted me. Out of the entire stadium, a bird hit me. I had to stick my head under the tap in the bathroom to get it all off. Nothing says "footy" like a head full of bird crap.
So... I repeat... my life is funny.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
"You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
"I know in my heart it wasn't you, I knew, but now I know what I want."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sweet as.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
"We promised each other it's til the end."
I'm starting to get anxiety about going home. It's not because I hate you all... really, I miss home, I promise I do. But, I start to fear things will be the way they were before they left. I fear nothing will have changed. It will be summer 2009 all over again. And, let me tell you... I'm sure hell is a nicer place.
I will be going back to America September 20th. That is less than 2 months away now (yikes). I'm getting to the point where the amount of things I want to do are not fitting into my allotted travel time, and this is frustrating. What happens once I get back? Do I have to get a "grown up" job, spending 9 hours a day in a box, staring at a computer? Because, honestly, that sounds awful. Worse than awful... painful. Really, I'm planning on going back to school and getting some sort of masters/mba. Perhaps explore the hospitality degrees, since I do enjoy it a lot. And, I plan on finding a way to never have to "work" a day in my life.. ie, never have to sit in a cubicle for 9 hours a day.
While travelling I have met so many people like me, because back home I always felt like I was the weird one. But, here, I'm just normal. Well, whatever "normal" is considered... because, I'm pretty messed up. Just read my blog, you can figure that one out.
One thing I love about travellers is they are keen to try almost anything. Weird food? Sure, why not! Crazy, death-defying activity? Yea, sign me up! When I get home, that excitement is gone out of everyday life. Everything back home is the same and familiar. Here, even after being around for many months, things are still exciting. The Aussies still speak funny. The city is still breathtaking. I still have to pinch myself to remind me I'm here. I don't get that feeling back home.
I know I can't live this way forever. I have to find a way to "setlle" myself some how, some day. But, it's not necessarily true. I will always be a wondering soul who gets uncomfortable in one spot too long. I can't see that ever changing. I just need to find a career that supports this... and radio/television bores me. I would say I spent four years on a wasted degree, but had I not done this four years I would've never ended up where I am now. Everything happens for a reason.
The thing is, I'm so happy in my life right now, I tend to get upset over the tiniest things... just cause I'm a girl and my body is trying to find things to be wrong. But, really... I'm happy. I can't stress those words enough. But, I worry that my happiness is related to my state of place rather than related to my state of mind.
But, I am looking into things back home that will keep me sane. I have grown to love hockey (watching and playing) over the last year, and have looked into some programs back home where I can keep improving my game (because it's pretty weak at the moment). And, speaking of ice sports... it is my last week at the Icehouse. I am going to miss (most) everyone that I worked with. I really did make some friends there and had some great times. I loved the times where the staff had the whole place to ourselves after all customers left at 1am and we would play stick and puck on the ice. I also dealt with a lot of shit there, as it's ran pretty badly... but, the good times outweigh the bad in the end.
Us skating... there is an American, a Canadian (I bet you can't guess which one...), a German, and two Aussies in this pic. Seriously, my friends are like the UN.
"Hold on for just one more second,
Longer than you thought you could.
The things that seemed so hard
Are just one fleeting memory,
Filled with a smile that can't be changed."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's just a little bit of history repeating.
Russell’s earliest surviving building in
In 1840, he opened a part-time office in Little Collins Street, developing a practice responsible for more significant buildings than any other architect prior to the Gold Rush, although many no longer survive. He was designer of Scots’ Church, Collins Street (corner of Russell Street, 1841-42, demolished for the construction of the present Scots’ in 1873); St Patrick’s Church (1850, predecessor of the present Cathedral); St Mary’s, Geelong (1846); St Patrick’s Hall (Victoria’s first Legislative Assembly); the first Melbourne Hospital (1848); Charnwood, St Kilda the house for Octavius Browne (1855); Fairlie, Col. Anderson’s house, South Yarra (1846); ‘Tower House’; St Paul’s Church, Pentridge (1851-53) and Toorak House (1848-50).
With Russell, he entered the 1844 competition for the first Princes’ Bridge. They received second prize, despite the winner, Charles Laing not fulfilling the competition conditions, not the last time for such a dubious occurrence in
As a designer without architectural training, Russell’s designs are provincial, unaffected, and even naive. His details are very difficult to source, generally Gothic and Picturesque. The ornament of St Francis recalls the decorated halls of the Commissioners’ Gothic, which
It is two-storied with steeply pitched gabled roofs, with Tudor details and most decorative fretwork barges and finials, timbering and small-paned casement windows. It is the oldest surviving house in St Kilda.
A fascinating technical detail is that the roof of Wattle House is partially clad with Morewood & Rogers iron roof tiles. Today, these are very rare in
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
"Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend."
Monday, June 28, 2010
For sake of letting you know I'm alive...