Thursday, January 23, 2014

Still into you.

I had promised myself I would be as honest as possible in my writings and cover both the good and the bad. Because, at the end of the day, this blog is for me. I still go back and read my Australia posts, just to remind myself where I was and where I am now.

My year and a half relationship has ended. Surprise. Surprise... Another long distance relationship bites the dust.

Sometimes the vision you see for your life and the one you work hard to build isn't shared by the person you love. Sometimes, you're not even loved the way you want to be. And, sometimes your life diverges so far from the person you once used to walk side by side with.

I made my shoes shine with my coal, 
but my polish didn't shine the hole
-modest mouse, edit the sad parts

The positive in all this is I have started a long road to realizing what I want in life and future partners. The last month has included a lot of soul searching.

I still stand firm on no marriage and no kids. But... I don't think love is so scary. Not as scary as it used to be. It's kind of nice to have someone to love you and come home to.

I know that person is out there somewhere. Hopefully, they're adventurous and climbing a mountain in Nepal or partying in the streets of Ecuador.

Anyways... I wanted to write to say goodbye to what was and welcome what comes next. I'm sad and hurt... But, heck... I'm in Thailand! What's there to be sad about?! And, perhaps... It just hasn't hit. Hasn't registered in my brain. I'm not looking forward to when it does.

Tomorrow morning I leave for a school camping trip for a couple days. 

Next on the blog will be... Toilets. Per request!

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