Why hello there, didn't expect to see you again so soon. Yea, I didn't intend to write for awhile because I didn't think I had anything interesting to say. But, I have a rant that I need to get out.
I am embarrassed to be an American right now. Maybe this is because I've been so sheltered from everything that's been going on and I'm being thrown into the fire, so to speak... everything is bombarding me at once, but I don't think that's fully the case.
I have spent many years of my life defending my country. Sure, I'll make jokes at America's expense, but I do love my country. I am and will always be an American. But, I have never EVER hated my country as much as I do right now.
It's because of politics. Religion. Hatred. To me, they've all become one.
I read that there was a pastor in Florida that was planning a Quran burning because people were having issues with a Mosque being built by the World Trade Center. No, he didn't go through with it, but the fact that anyone would even suggest this OR support it, disgusts me. Who cares if a Mosque is in the vicinity of the World Trade Center? There are Mosques all over this nation. Islam is not the Taliban. Islam is a religion based on peace, the Taliban is a "right wing, conservative" version of this religion. Just like skin heads here in America.
I am absolutely furious that people think this is okay. I'm not a Christian, but I do not hate on those who are. I am not a religious person... never have been and probably never will be. But, if you want to believe in God and practice religion, ANY RELIGION, I say "more power to you." God is a powerful concept, and for some people, I believe a very important individual. Religion helps give people faith that this life is not all there is... that there is more to life and death. That heaven exists.
But, what I find so perplexing is, if all religious people are preaching and believing in almost the exact same thing (just through different ways and Gods), then why is there so much hate. What God would say hate is okay, especially to another religious person. I don't know a lot about religion, but I'm pretty sure it teaches something about tolerance. About love.
Oh wait, I think that means tolerance and love ONLY if you believe in exactly what I believe in. How dare we try and understand each other.
Also, burning the Quran accomplishes nothing except only spreading more anger and hate. Apparently he was quoted to say something about this proving that all Muslims are terrorists because they will be so mad they will retaliate. How ignorant and mean a statement. First off, HE is the one starting the fight, so who wouldn't retaliate? But, second, it does not prove they are terrorists. That's an outlandish and foolish statement. It's ignorant.
On a completely different tangent, I'm sick of watching the Democrats fight against the Republicans, and vice versa. I used to like politics. Got excited to vote for my first presidency. But, I'm starting to realize it's all pointless. I will most likely not be voting this November. I do not see one side/one candidate that I want to represent me. Every politician is only out for personal gain. They do not care that America is drowning under it's own weight... just as long as they make it, everything will be just fine.
I used to question the idea of socialized health care. That people would use it as a free ride. However, the older I get, I realize how ignorant of a thought that was. I didn't know that people actually get turned down from health insurance they will fully pay for because they are a health risk. Yea, that means if you are a sick individual and NEED health insurance, you have a lower chance of getting it. You are forced to wade through hundreds of thousands of medical bills. People die with so much debt and it's passed on to their families. "Sorry that your father died before his insurance could be processed, but here are his bills."
In other countries no one is denied healthcare. Sure, you may have to wait on a procedure if it's not an emergency, but if it is an emergency, you are bumped up and receive exceptional care. The same health care we receive here in America. Our politicians media have made us believe that Canadians/British/Australians are DYING in waiting rooms because of free health care. Sure, sometimes people do die in waiting rooms overseas.
But, guess what, they die in our waiting rooms everyday, too. And, those people were paying good money.
Personally, I'd rather die for free, then die having paid a copay and a $500 a month insurance premium. We both end up in the same ground.
I do believe everyone should work hard. No one should be given a free ride. But, giving free basic healthcare is not giving people a free ride. I believe it should be the Government's responsibility.
I believe the Government should provide good, quality FREE education as well. Man, am I a radical or what.
Look, people say all these "socialist" ideas will raise our taxes, and they're unwilling to pay. But, last time I looked at an American pay check, or looked at a receipt from the grocery store, I AM being taxed. A lot. And, honestly, I'm not seeing a whole lot come from it.
I am up to my eyeballs in student loans and do not have health insurance (since I am unemployed and not a student).
People from other countries go to school for free or really cheap and receive the same, if not better education. We go to school less days then the rest of the world, are in class less hours, and some how we pay so much more. How is that logical?
The thing that I'm getting at is, America is falling. We've been falling for awhile, and I believe it's going to be awhile before we are on top again. We are no longer the country that everyone looks to. We are not the strongest economically. Other countries are surpassing us. And, I believe it's only going to get worse.
It's not Obama's fault. It's not Bush's fault. It's EVERYONE'S fault. If only we could stop pointing fingers and actually come together to fix our nation... as Americans.