Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"You can trust me (trust nobody)"

Thank you for everyone who made me feel better about my stupid wallet being stolen.  Things are definitely a lot better now!  I am still incredibly broke, however (due to the Icehouse forgetting to put my paperwork through last week to pay me, and the bank losing my card in the mail... two weeks and I still have no access to any cash!).

I'm in a much better mood than I was last time that I wrote.  Although, this week I have learned that I am a bit brash for my own good, sometimes.  I also tend to break a lot of hearts, which I'm still not how that's possible.  I mean... it's me. How the heck does this happen?  But, here I am doing the same thing I've always done: getting someone close enough and pushing them away at the moment that it counts.  Maybe it's because of my experiences in love (my parents or other couples I've seen as examples throughout my life) that I am a cynic and I tend to push people away before anything could happen.  But, the worst part is I let them believe something could, then crush them at the last second.  I thought I was working on this, but no... I've got a long ways to go.  I'm sorry, if you're reading this.

Looking for something I've never seen
Alone and I'm in between
The place that I'm from and the place that I'm in
A city I never been
I found a friend or should I say a foe
Said there's just a few things you should know
We don't want you to see we come and we go
Here today, gone tomorrow

Okay, okay before I let this turn into another emo blog, let me save it.

Melbourne is cold.  BUT, the last couple of days have been sunny AND warm.  I use the word "warm" relatively, though.  Warm compared to the freezing cold, not warm compared to Magnetic Island.  I walked around with no jacket today.  You hear that?  I had a T-shirt and jeans on and was content.  What a beautiful thing that is.  Tomorrow it will probably be back to coat weather, but it was glorious while it lasted.

Another thing about Melbourne is that it is a very cultural, artsy, and sports oriented city.  Sydney was a city that could've been anywhere in the world.  It never felt particularly "Australian."  But, Melbourne feels like it belongs here.  They have multiple sports arenas (one that seats 100,000 people!) and art galleries and performance centres, theatres, parks, and the craziest architecture you have ever seen.  It becomes unnecessary at times.

Melbourne also likes to hide their best shops, cafes, restaurants and bars in seedy alley ways.  The whole city is in block formation, making perfect squares, but if you sneak onto the smaller lane-ways, in between the large streets, you will find all these little places squished together and PACKED with locals.  Tourists always miss them.  

Melbournites also no not to pay for trams.  Tourists do.  It is stressful, always looking out for the rent-a-cops that patrol the trams to see if you have a ticket, but most people don't pay and dodge the authorities just fine.  I've gotten away twice.  I'm such a rebel... but I like to think of it as me fitting in with the locals.

I have also attempted to ice skate twice here now.  I get to do it for free, since I work in an Icehouse, but I'm still no good.  I haven't fallen yet, though... so I count that as a success.  I'm going to try to take an intro to hockey course once I get a little better at skating... no sense in me trying to be graceful like a figure skater.  I'm like a man any ways, best learn to skate like one! :P

I've been out on the town a few times with some friends, where I got vegetarian pizza at an all veggie (vege as the Aussies say) place in Carlton.  Had $1 tacos last Thursday at a pub, also in Carlton.  I've been a tourist and ridden the tourist bus AND tram, which are free.  I've shopped at the DFOs, which are discount outlet malls.  I bought a pair of $5 dollar shoes for work.  I had a free barbeque tonight at my hostel. 

Oh yea, I'm living the high-life.

But, seriously I've learned I can have a really good time on no money at all.  I have found free entertainment and learned how to grocery shop for real cheap, yet make healthy meals that last for awhile.  I hope that I can keep up these habits once I get paid on Thursday.  It will be helpful to me saving up lots of money to get me back to America. 

I'll try to update sooner next time... possibly with pictures.



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