Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Open your eyes darling, this is your life.

Yesterday was Australia Day and I spent it in the city. First, Lizzo and I apartment hunted, although that turned out to be a fail. We viewed one that had 10 people crammed into a tiny ( I reapeat: TINY) two bedroom. Two people even lived in the living room.

Then, Lizzo and I realized just how much we hate Mike and Tim (Or, Tim Tam, as we call them)... our British roomies. 3 days and I'm done with them!

But, we rallied together and went north to the Rocks (the area right by the Opera House and Harbour Bridge). Met some American friends to drink on the roof of the Glenmore hotel, with a gorgeous view of the harbour and Opera House! Talk about breathtaking. Oh, then I ended up looking down at my feet to see myself standing on a baggie full of crack. At least I assume it was crack based on episodes of Cops I've seen. I felt diseased just by looking at it.

We then left the city and went back to sit on the beach, enjoyed some ice cream, and stayed until it was dark and cold and time for bed.

Two things I've learned about Australians: 1. the guys are arrogant, loud and like to fight. 2. the girls are arrogant, loud and like to fight.

On that note, I witnessed my first Aussie girl fight outside, by the beach in Coogee. There was hair pulling, scratching, and a nice slam to the ground accompanied by many punches to her pretty face. Stillettos were kicked off, bikinis torn, nails broken... cops were called. It was a... sight.

I'm off work now and headed into the city to grab some drinks with my English, Irish, and American friends. It's like the United Nations... of beer.



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