I ended up spending $300 today at David Jones (a department store). Yea, it was things I needed, so I'm justifying it... but, since when do I spend that much shopping?? I bought a coat, pants, socks, a purse, and boots... not bad!
Thursday night I went out to the city with my friend Sarah (German) and Jill (German) and my roommate Mark (Canadian). We met an Italian and a British girl and hung out with them all night. Arron (Canadian, if you don't remember!) came a bit later, and we all listened to live music until the wee hours of the night.
Friday I worked all day, 11am to Midnight, but went out to a club called Cookie to get a few drinks with coworkers. It's Tobias' last week before he goes back to Sweden, so we were all celebrating him! I sat on the rooftop bar, chatting with coworkers from New Zealand, Australia, America, Canada, Sweden, and Germany. Crazy, eh?
Based on my last post, I was thinking about love and lust and heart break. It was due to recent developments with a few different friends, and of course, based on my own life. I'm slowly learning to enjoy each day as it comes. To enjoy each moment and not think about the next, until it happens. I slip up, a lot... I'm not perfect (pretty damn close, though!). I can have an invasive personality who likes to pry. I can be a bit much sometimes. I can also be shy and awkward. I stutter when I'm nervous... All that aside, I'm learning to be comfortable in my own skin and comfortable with life. I want a lot out of this life, but I need to learn to take it one step at a time. I have expectations out of my life; some may happen and some won't. I can't let little disappointments keep me from bigger dreams.
Life is all about waiting for the lines to line up. If you get what I mean. You can have all the preparation or hope in the world, but if luck and timing isn't there, it's not going to happen.
I'm so happy where I am in life and who I'm with, but time is running out. I plan on heading out in September for either home or New Zealand, where I have to start over either way. I need to stop thinking about the future and focus on the now. Enjoy the moments I have with each and every person, especially those that matter most.
I believe people need to treat relationships, 'like', love and lust all the same as you should treat life. If you force it, try to fit all the pieces together at once, it's going to fall apart. Be patient, and good things happen.
I'm being patient with my life... smelling the roses along the way. Spending my paychecks on cute coats and boots, but also saving a lot of it to move on to something new and exciting in life. I'm learning to balance pleasure and duty in my life... working to get the things I want, but not working too hard to miss the important things, like enjoying a drink with people from all over the world. Or, coming over to Arron's at midnight, after a really long day, just to chat and have a cookie (I can't say no to cookies!).
When I was in Maggie Island I had a lot of time to sit around, and it drove me crazy after awhile. I'd rather be busy. And, that I am...
Off to work.
Love, Michaela