Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The only constant in life is change.

My time in Sydney is coming to an end. Everyone is beginning to go their own separate ways, whether that be traveling around Australia, moving to a new city, or going home.

This is a short blog, but just to illustrate how full-circle things can become, even when life is crazy, and people are constantly coming in and out of your lives...

I saw Paramore tonight in Sydney, Australia. If you don't know, they are from Franklin, TN (where I'm from) and they are my favorite band. I have loved them since 2005 and have now seen them 5 times. Twice in Nashville, once in KC, and once in Atlanta... and now in Sydney! Paramore has gotten me through the ups and downs of my life, and it was such a rush to be from the same Nashville suburb as these 5 people and be 8,000 miles away from home with them.

In the next two weeks we will have all went our own ways, maybe to meet up again someday, but others I will probably never see again. Weird, isn't it?

G'night y'all.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

No one is as lucky as us.

I have compiled random footage of me and my friends...

enjoy :)


I, the girl who grew up in the suburbs, likes to get my clothes from shopping malls and my groceries from grocery stores, have successfully ventured out of my comfort zone. I stepped into Paddy's Market all by my little lonesome. Let me try and paint a picture of this place for you. For one, I have to walk through China Town to get to it. It's a tiny street packed with Chinese restaurants and bakeries, and lots of people crammed next to each other, feeling no need to say "excuse me." Market City is the building that it lies in, and it's a huge brick building with a big mall on top of it. But, it's the basement where the deals are. Paddy's Market is the place to get your souvenirs and cheap groceries, but be prepared to haggle, push and shove, and see a whole chicken being beheaded.

I'm trying to save all my money so I can go travelling, thus I was looking ways to save money on groceries. Everything costs more in Sydney, from the chocolate bars to the tomatoes, be willing to shell out the big bucks. At Coles (or Wooly's) I usually pay about $1.10 PER apple... about $1 US. So, I ventured down into the basement of Market City, to find stall after stall of fresh veggies and fruit, ready for me to take them home.

I walked the perimeter of the area first, taking it all in. The countless number of asian people, young and old, pushing there way to the front to buy the next few day's veggies. Everyone came prepared with their own shopping bags, and there I stood with my bright pink leather purse, obviously looking like a newbie. People are shouting at each other, trying to get you to buy their veggies and fruit over the next stand (hence the title of this... that's exactly what it sounds like). I see a sign: Avocadoes $1.50 each. What?? They are about $3 each in the grocery store. I pounce on this, buying myself a nice ripe avocado (Flash forward 2 hours, and it was absolutely delish!). My next buy was an eggplant, then on to the tomatoes... I then ventured to a nut stand and bought some fresh oats and Cous Cous. I spent $7.50 on what would've cost me about $15 in the store.

After I had purchased my items, for giggles, I decided to venture into the fresh meat section. Now, I'm a girl who buys my meat from the meat section in the grocery store. Sure, sometimes I walk up the meat counter and ask for a pound of hamburger, or one chicken breast, but I have never experienced this. There are fish heads, whole crabs, thousands of shrimp with eyes still bulging, fresh pink salmon, and a chicken in the process of being butchered. The open air meat market was both intriguing and disgusting at the same time. The floors were dirty, I saw people handling money AND then touching meat. But, I realize people come here on a daily basis, living off cheap (and good) food. I had to push a little bit of my suburban girl out of me and accept that it was just as sanitary as the local Coles (or Kroger, HyVee, etc back home).

I plan on going back tomorrow to shop for a couple more days, as I was much to overwhelmed to shop past today. I will definitely be stopping here more often. I'm just sad it took me so long to get up the courage to go.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

...because my dreams are bursting at the seams.

This is why Paramore is my favorite band:

"sometimes you get run down. sometimes life throws dirt in your eyes and it stings and you can't see for a few minutes. even after you get it out your eyes are all red and your vision is shitty... but eventually, whether through tears or maybe just time... you start to see even clearer than before. life is not always good. which is why music exists. why i believe God exists. and why there's always a pint of coconut milk ice cream in my freezer.

i don't care if the world or anyone in it tries to drag me down. because i know that in the end, they will be the ones left tired from the struggle to hold me back. it hurts more to see people i care about being beat up mentally, emotionally... but again, in the end, i don't hang around people that can be beaten so easily. my friends, family, our band, and OUR FANS, are all good people. with strong hearts.

and even though today, i might feel a little run over and feel heavy hearted for a few people that i love... there is a promise that tomorrow i will be a stronger, more patient and better refined person. we are to be brought through the fire, not left in it.

and you know what? to anyone that ever told you that you're no good... they're no better.


this was written by me, Hayley. but it's from all of us.- Jeremy, Zac, Josh, Taylor and Hayley."

Sometimes it is the littlest thing to get you through the day.

Also, last night... impromptu dance party on our balcony... the English, French, Irish, and Americans know how to party right with 10 feet of space, an iPod, and some boxed Goon (10 dollars for 4 Litres). I love my friends.



p.s. I will work on answering some of the questions my mom asked in a comment awhile ago... wanting to know about all things Aussie. Look for some of that tomorrow or the next day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I want it to stop raining.

Happy Belated Heart Day to you all! My Valentine's Day consisted of waking up at 11am after going out to the bars the night before with my roommates, going to lunch with four friends, going back and laying on the couch for another few hours, and then watching Braveheart with Arron, Lizzo, Felix and Annie. Nothing says love like Mel Gibson covered in English blood.

I'm enjoying living in my new apartment, even though I miss the beach, I am much less stressed in the city! One, I save money every week (cheaper rent, cheaper transportation costs) and two, my roomates aren't shit. I remember dreading coming home in the past, but now I can lounge around my apartment, actually talk and laugh with my roommates, and am able to COOK in my KITCHEN because we all actually clean up after ourselves! What a concept.

Anyways, I'm counting down to my days in Sydney. I think I'm leaving in Mid March, so I'm starting to check things off my list of what I want to do. I'm going surfing on the 27th, and also going to see an Opera in the World Famous Sydney Opera House! Not sure where I'm heading next, but I do know I'm going to check ou the great ocean road and South Australia for a week before heading north again. So much to do, so little time!

I will try to update sooner, because by the time I get to write things down, I've forgot most of what happened...


Friday, February 12, 2010

Free fall.

watch me fall out of a plane:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

Did you know that if you fall 200km/hr out of the sky, and it's raining, it hurts? If you didn't, I can tell you, it does. It's kind of like needles hitting all over your body at once, over and over again.

Arron and I had this crazy idea to go skydiving, so on my birthday (Feb. 5th, if you weren't sure), we threw ourselves out of a perfectly good plane. Funny thing is, I really wasn't that scared. I was anxious to go, and only got a little apprehensive when the big door opened and he said "just swing your legs over and I'll push you out." Feeling my legs dangling out of a plane is a little unnatural and terrifying. I mean, it does go against everything the flight attendants tell you at the beginning of every flight. But, I did swing them over and I did get pushed out of a plane at about 14,000 feet in the air. I had my eyes closed until a few seconds into the fall, when I opened them and had a "holy shit, why is the plane above me" type moment. But, all was fine when he tapped me on the shoulder and told me to open my arms, like I was flying. I screamed my head off and said "holy shit, this is awesome" a lot. I hope to get the dvd ripped asap so you can see me in all my skin-flapping glory. It's cute, really.

I had the time of my life, and as soon as I landed, I said "I want to do that again." I plan on it, in March, with a couple of my friends who couldn't go this time around. Best thing I've ever done. I highly recommended it!

That night we went to a German beer hall where I got a litre of Hofbrau Dunkel and enjoyed reliving my Austrian past. We then danced to 90s dance music in the upstairs bar, went to another bar named Cargo in Darling Harbour, drank some beer, challened each other to arm wrestles, and got home at 3am. I ended the night with a delicious kebab. Best. Birthday. Ever. Definitely beats last years! (not the party bus Sara, nothing could ever beat that!!)

I'm slowly working on editing a video montage of my experiences here. So, sometime in the future, I will have a video to show you. So far, it's about 6 minutes long, and there is so much more to go!

Oh, also Mike, everyone does the "fist bump" and the "bro hug." That's universal. Although, mostly it's just American, everyone else just follows.

Also, I've been listening to Death Cab For Cutie a lot lately. Just realized how amazing of a band they really are.

"Soul Meets Body"
I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new
Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
Where they’re far more suited than here
And I cannot guess what we'll discover
When we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
Where soul meets body
And I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
But if the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere



Friday, February 5, 2010

I want to be running when the sand runs out.

I only have a few minutes before I run out of here to my birthday celebration, but I will leave you with this:


I will update later with more details and a video of my jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. 

So, until next time...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I've hoped for change and it gets better every day.

When you travel you notice yourself giving up little parts of yourself and adapting to other's ways of living. I believe it's important to do this, as it means you're actually learning something about the world in which you live. I hate people who can't see out of the box in which they live. I'm an American, I do believe a lot of things that we do are great, but I will never say they are 'right...' it's just another way of doing things well.

For instance, measurements, weight, temperature... etc... Americans do everything differently than the rest of the world. I'm learning, slowly, what 28 degrees means here (believe me, it's a lot nicer than our 28 degrees back home.)... also, figuring out that you bake a pizza at 220 degrees. I weigh 70 kilos. I'm 167 centimetres tall. Work is 9.5 kilometres from where I live. I live on the harbour, not the harbor. I eat chips with tomato (TOE-ma-TOE) sauce and crisps out of the bag. Biscuits are sweet and crumpets are eaten at breakfast. If you are asked "how are you going?" you answer "I am good, thank you."

What I love about traveling is that you see there are always two sides to everything, maybe even three, four, or five sides... every country has figured out a way that works for them. Sure, some ways work better than others, but no country has everything figured out, and that's the beautiful thing. I realize it is okay to drive on the "wrong" side of the road. It doesn't seem so weird anymore to have to look right THEN left. I realize I love free health care, but also find myself being more and more conservative as the days pass. Americans have bad stereotypes, but when you travel, you realize that every country has THAT person in it. The loud, rude, racial person that ruins the whole country for everyone. Everyone is a little bit judgemental and biased. Whether you speak English, French, Arabic, or Chinese... we are all so similar, just we have very different ways of doing things.

Hanging out on my new balcony last night with people from France, Belgium, Italy, England, and America, I had another one of those "whoa, holy shit, I'm not in America" moments. When you greet someone you kiss their cheeks... two kisses for Europeans, one for Australians. Canadians and Americans shake hands, or do the "bro" hug. Different parts of Asia do different things. I've seen everything from bowing to hand shakes to hugs. I guess it depends on what part of Asia they are from?? (If someone wants to fill me in on that, that'd be great).

I've learned that people here are just as fascinated by my accent as I am of theirs.

Sure, the American school system did great things for me, but it was also wrong a lot too. Nothing about America is perfect. Nothing about Australia is perfect (hello, shitty transportation system). Nothing about anyone is perfect, but the more we learn about each other, and the right and wrong things that we do, the closer we are to being a much better (less ignorant) world.

"Ignorant is when you don't know, but stupid is when you know and still do it. So, don't be stupid."

p.s. If anyone has things they want me to write about, ask me. I feel like I tend to write the same things. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

I forgot to mention in my last post that I have been here 3 months. I remember before I left, I scheduled my return flight for 6 months away that way it was longer than the 4 months I had been away for Austria, and I was challenging myself to stay a little longer. It doesn't feel like I've been gone that long. I am planning on extending my flight, I'm just not sure until when. September maybe? My mom is coming up in May, as well as a friend of mine from back home (maybe two friends... Sylvia, I'm addressing you!).

I need to start figuring out what I'm going to do. I know I want to leave in March to go north to Brisbane, but I wanted to do an outback pub, however, I have to commit 3 months. So, I think I will go live in Brisbane for 1.5 months, meet up with my mom, meet up with Lea, and then go into the Outback to work in a motel or pub or something like that. That would put me into September, when I think I will go home.

Decisions, decisions...

p.s. here is my new address for the next month:

1313/28 Harbour Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Yes, I live in unit 1313... I will consider it lucky.... it's like the thirteens cancel out each other!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You wanna mess with me?

Revenge is sweet.
So, I’m sure you’ve heard me complain about my two British roomies. To sum it all up, they have stolen Lizzo and my shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper (we had to keep our own stock, just so we would have some!), face wash, body wash, razors, food, and who knows what else. They were assholes, not cleaning anything, then demanding we clean up after them. They had no respect for anyone else. Absolutely the worst people I have lived with.

Anyways, we had to move out of our apartment this weekend because our lease was up, and we spent all Sunday cleaning. Guess who didn’t really feel the need to help? Yup, the boys. Guess who had also filled out the form where we had to put ONE bank account down where our bond would go. Yup, the boys. If I couldn’t trust them with my shampoo, why would they think I would trust them with my $400 I am supposed to get back?

So, I told a little white lie (for the greater good, of course). Mike was going to take all our keys and the form into the office in the morning, but I told him that I was an idiot and had forgotten the keys in Bondi, where I was crashing for the week. But, I said it’s okay because I don’t work until later and I can take care of everything.

I went in the next morning, filled out a new form with MY bank account information. They have no clue. So, now the hundreds of dollars will go into my bank account. I will give them their money, because I’m not a person who would take it. But, it’s super gratifying to know they will be waiting for the money, and it will never show in their account. I will make them sweat a little, then give them a call to set up the money exchange. Lizzo and I thought it was the best plan.


Besides sweet, sweet revenge... I was homeless for a few days, but I now have a new place to live in Darling Harbour. So, I'm moving from the beach, south of Sydney, to the heart of Sydney! I love it already. I am sharing a room with three guys... but, hey it's $155 a week... my last place was $212.50 a week. Think of all I can do with that money!

I'm also turning 23 in 3 days. Weird. I don't feel 23... I will let you know how it goes.

Sorry that I don't have more to update, but I've just been busy working. Although, Sunday I did go to the beach and saw bluebottles floating all around me... jelly fish. Scary! But, I still had a blast frolicking in the waves like a 5 year old.

I will keep you updated on life and let you know how my sky dive goes on Friday (eek!)
